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Last call for Future of Spanish Wines webinar

Published:  06 March, 2023

Harpers is excited to be hosting an in-depth look at the future of Spanish viticulture this week, organised in collaboration with Wines from Spain.


Indigenous grapes to fly the flag for Wines from Spain tasting

Published:  23 February, 2023

Over 900 wines from over 280 Spanish bodegas will be available to taste at the Wines from Spain Annual Tasting in London on 28 February. Alongside Spain’s best-known indigenous grapes, like Tempranillo or Verdejo, a plethora of lesser-known varietals will also come to the fore, bringing together classic and newer DOs alike.


Registration open for the Future of Spanish Wines webinar

Published:  15 February, 2023

In association with Wines from Spain, Harpers has organised a webinar for the trade, focusing on the young Spanish winemaker and how they are shaping the future of the industry.